Ask A Monican about skinny Runner

My fun coffee date was with skinny Runner 

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My lovely other half in the Pysch Ward: A Memoir – book Review
My lovely other half in the Pysch Ward : A Memoir
by mark Lukach

Audio book evaluation of the very best selling memoir released 2017.

Is it a great listen?
I’m sharing a quick evaluation of the book offered on Audible.

From Amazon:

A heart-wrenching yet hopeful memoir of a young marriage that is redefined by mental illness as well as affirms the power of love.

Mark as well as Giulia’s life together began as a fairy-tale romance. They fell in like at eighteen, got married at twenty-four, as well as started their dream life in San Francisco soon after. however when Giulia was twenty-seven, she experienced a terrifying as well as unforeseen psychotic break that landed her in the psych ward for almost a month. someday she was vibrant as well as well adjusted; the next, she was delusional as well as suicidal, persuaded that her liked ones were not safe.

What book or podcast are you listening to now??

What should I listen to next?!

Links to the book as well as other evaluations are on

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I didn’t want to just sit as well as sip, so I suggested an unscripted step class session right there.

Oddly, she begged me to stop embarrassing her as well as suggested we take a walk instead. SR brought along the world’s smallest dog to assist protect us from attackers.

.Between the ferocious 2 pound guard dog as well as my coffee breath we were able to fend off anyone as well as everybody within a 12 block radius.

Since I had three minutes to spare after dinner I taped Ask a Monican #21

Monica from Run eat Repeat answers:
1. Do you have running shoe suggestions for winter running?
2. When should I move up from a 5k to a 10k race?
3. What is the very best sports bra for running?

Please comment with your winter shoe tips as well as finest sports bra picks!

Send me your concerns to runeatrepeat at gmail dot com

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